They say never meet your heros, and after witnessing another few days of Dos Hombres promotional activity, it never ceases to amazing us just how much joy surrounds the appearances of Aaron Paul (and Bryan Cranston of course!).
It got us thinking, due to location and finances that we’ve been unable to yet meet the guys, what do we really think of such a dream?
Time for another discussion between the two not jealous at all APFans supremos – Caroline aka @Aaron_Paul_fc and Jilbos aka @jillboskilbos!!
Jilbos: So this past weekend, and the past year we’ve both been on the sidelines watching as so many people get to meet our hero, and it always makes us happy – is that right to say?
Caroline: I’m always moved by these moments, seeing how much Aaron is loved and how much meeting him makes people happy, euphoric. Plus to see him returning all this affection, being kind and loving to everyone is very beautiful and moving. This just makes me see that our heart chose the right guy to have as an idol.
Jilbos: Agreed, it’s really fun to watch the interactions and see people ‘like us’ reactions – it always just confirms what we already know which is that he genuinely seems a nice person to meet!
Caroline: It’s so funny how it awakens some feelings in us, even if we’re not there living that experience, I find myself smiling whenever I see the publication of someone who met him. This may sound crazy, but it always feels good, because to this day I’ve never seen anyone write negative things about their meets with him. So it’s always really cool to follow these journeys.
Jilbos: Totally, it’s almost as fun reading people’s experiences and hearing how cool it was to meet him.
Jilbos: So, have you ever been tempted or would you ever consider, once you know an appearance date to try and get to one – what would be a factor to make it happen?
Caroline: I certainly always think about what it would be like if I had the opportunity to be there, but this is still a very distant reality for me. I feel like I’m on Earth and he’s on the moon lol.
Jilbos: Hahaha yeah I get that!
Caroline: And do you think about making that trip, and trying to meet him?
Jilbos: Financially I just haven’t even been able to consider it, still recovering my savings after lockdown, but certainly in the past I have travelled overseas specifically to meet a favourite actor or two, so I’d never rule it out once I can afford it (hopefully soon!).
Caroline: We look forward to our day!
Jilbos: There was a chance back in 2020 when AP was announced for London Film & Comic Con but then covid hit and it never happened, so I’m also still hoping an opportunity like that happens again and he travels over to the UK to just it make it easier for me lol!
Caroline: How do you think your reaction would be when meeting Aaron?
Jilbos: I’d be calm, surprisingly lol
Caroline: Wow!
Jilbos: I don’t get star struck hehe so I’d just be very smiley I think hehe! How about you?
Caroline: I think about it so much, I keep trying to explain to my mind that I should remain calm and act naturally, without embarrassing myself so as not to scare him. But I know myself very well, and I know that the first thing I would do is to burst into tears! I get emotional when other fans meet him, how can I not get emotional when it’s my turn? Then I think I would be kind of without reaction, I don’t know, there are things that you have to live to truely know.
Jilbos: I think he has a very nice manner when meeting fans that however you react will be absolutely fine, I think we’ve seen a fair few now to see he’s really cool with all types of reactions lol
Caroline: He’s very good with people and whatever our reaction would be, it sure would be a happy experience.
Jilbos: I’ve been fortunate to meet a few hero’s and through work I’ve had to learn to not react in a manner that isn’t ‘professional’ so that is all good training! But I still get a thrill meeting my hero’s, I’ve just learned to calm myself down. It’s true to say that through the many interactions I have had myself you really do realise that they are just humans and not that different from meeting anyone else! (Just way more cooler!)
Caroline: I think there is no way you can not get emotional in front of a person that you like so much and having contact for the first time, we can try to control it but the emotion I think will always rolls over.
Jilbos: Lol I’m English, we don’t do outward emotions!
Caroline: Don’t be so harsh, you have a big heart and I know there’s someone sensitive inside!
Jilbos: OK, Maybe it’s likely I’ll just have a stupid fixed smile on my face the entire time.
Caroline: Completely mesmerized by those blue eyes! Those other artists you met must have been pretty cool, but I don’t think any of them have a place in your heart like Aaron does. So I think your heart will flutter when that happens, it’s going to be beautiful and exciting.
Jilbos: Trying to think… one of the first actors I met years ago before work environment numbed me lol – James marsters, Spike from Buffy whilst he was still filming Buffy (A long time ago!), he was amazing to meet and hug, I was shaking so bad that first time but I have met him a few times since and it’s all a little calmer for me now! The only other times I’ve been a little bit ‘whoa’ was meeting Michael J Fox, Mark Hamill and the first time I met Benedict Cumberbatch – all of them were amazing people and I had memorable meets with them all.
Caroline: Good experiences.
Jilbos: But you’re right, I think if I ever get the chance to meet Aaron it would be different, and it would mean so much more because of what surrounds him, and what we do here. There is so much I’d love to talk to him about but fear id never get the chance because it’s so much.
Caroline: Yes, many things to say! He’s our guy! It’s good to be here, talking about what it would be like, but it’s a reality that really seems so far away, for several reasons! Distance and communication mainly. How do you think me meeting Aaron would be like? lol I think it would be at the least hilarious! I think I’m going to need an interpreter!
Jilbos: LOL – You have no idea what he says so I think that’s a must. Unless he just calls you Bitch the entire time, you now that English word now lol!
Caroline: I don’t want to have this monologue with him!!
Jilbos: So what do you think his reaction would be ‘if’ either of us meet him and then reveal who ‘we’ are with this site and Insta? Assuming he pays any attention to this madness we create?
Caroline: No idea, that’s anyone’s guess. Learning who we are might make him run away!
Jilbos: I think so, we’re scary! But I’d hate to think that, lol, I’d probably spend the entire time convincing him I do have a life!
Caroline: Does he think we don’t have a life? haha!
Jilbos: Actually it’s not totally alien to me – I used to run a fan site for a couple of actors, brothers, in the early 2000s and did eventually meet them both and although it was a tiny bit awkward at first, mainly because what we do is very personal to them – but thankfully they soon realised I wasn’t odd or scary, and in fact I am still in touch with them today, despite the fansite being long gone!
Caroline: I declare my love for him on Instagram every day, my top searches include the name Aaron Paul, he’s on my mind most of the time but I still swear I have a life.
Jilbos: I just obsess over his chickens and travel with a mini version of his character Jesse like it’s normal – yeah I’m totally cool!!
Caroline: Hahaha! Alright so after we’ve stated that we have a life and that we’re cool I guess we can relax, it’ll be fine?
Jilbos: If I did meet Aaron I would naturally like an autograph (I collect autographs and have a wonderful Jonathan Banks signed photo that has Jesse also in the photo so would love Aaron to sign this same photo) – I realise if it’s a Dos Hombres event that wouldn’t be possible so I would bring my now empty dos hombres bottle (don’t worry I also have a second still being worked through hehe), I’d love a photo and a hug and then hopefully just a small chance to say thanks even though it would take way to long to explain why im thanking him 🙂
Oh and I’d probably have mini Jesse with me who would also have to meet him! (unless by this point he’s calling security… I’ll play it by ear lol!)
Caroline: Photos, autographs, hugs, smiles ✔
Caroline: I just want to say that I love these moments of Aaron with the fans, and that if he happens to read this, know that you do a lot of good for all of us, you have a beautiful energy, you are an exceptional human being and it is no wonder that so many people line up just to be able to meet him and have a few minutes by his side. Our love is sincere, beautiful and real, wherever you are, receive all our love. All of this here is just our way of saying thank you for all the good you do.
Jilbos: I’ve interacted with a lot of actors through work mostly, in situations where it is mostly actor meeting fans and it’s so rare but lovely to see when actors can simply embrace the fans in the way Aaron does! I honestly have seen the good, the bad and the ugly in my time, so it always pleases me to see how he handleds it so well. It’s very natural, and I see with Aaron there’s an added quality, and like you I enjoy seeing fans meet him because it’s a joy to watch and then read about. There is so much out there of fans meeting Aaron, that just shows genuine care and it’s really wonderful to see. It also, in fairness, makes what we do so much easier – can you imagine trying to make this site and Insta work if the feedback and interactions were not so great – he really does make this easier for us so a big yay for that!
Caroline: He’s the best, and people want to see about him.
So there you have it, our genuine thoughts, concerns and I think a little bit of wishful thinking that one day, either one or both of us might get to meet the man we seemingly can’t stop talking about!!
Disclaimer: We are a little bit odd, maybe… but the good kind, honest! x